Note: A signed agreement is required before any services are rendered. Prices subject to change without notice.
A minimum deposit of $75.00 will be charged when booking any sleep training or parenting services.
Follow-up support is available in consecutive days only and cannot be used at random.
Consultations are available
in Skype.
Acceptable forms of payments: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress and Discover.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation and Written Dream Solution)
- During this consult, which is up to one (1) hour in length, we will discuss your current parenting style and sleep education to determine if you would benefit from our service.
- Includes two (2) consecutive days of phone support.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation and Written Dream Solution)
- Scheduled telephone consultation in which I will evaluate your family’s needs and child’s sleep issues to determine the method that would best suit your family’s lifestyle.
- Create a step-by-step Dream Plan to be implemented by parents or caregiver. The Dream Plan will be e-mailed or faxed to family.
- Includes e-mail & telephone follow-ups consultations for seven (7) consecutive days to ensure that the plan is working and to answer any questions that may arise.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation and Written Dream Solution)
- In-Home consultation, one (1) to one and a half (1½) hours, in which I will evaluate your family’s needs and child’s sleep issues to determine the method that would best suit your family’s lifestyle.
- Includes a step-by-step written sleep plan along with our Dream Manual and e-mail & telephone follow-ups consultations for 2 consecutive weeks to ensure that the plan is working and to answer any questions that may arise.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.

(In-Home Observation. Dreamy Solution 1, 2 or 3 are required.)
- Includes an in-home observation of your child’s night-time and/or child’s entire daily activities. This will enable a more accurate determination of your child’s needs and interactions with the family unit. I will be able to experience with you the child’s actual behavior and evaluate your immediate necessities. This is for parents who need that add support. 12 Hour or 24 Hour minimum required.

(A-la-carte Telephone)
- This package is for families who may need additional support beyond the allotted time in Solutions 2 & 3.

(A-la-carte Telephone)
- During this consult, which is up to one (1) hour in length, we will discuss, your ideas regarding parenthood, your lifestyle and various measures that can be taken while the baby is in utero, to develop healthy sleep habits early.
- I will also discuss measures that can be taken to create a calm environment condusive for sleep.
- Resource packet is also provided.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.
(In-Home or Telephone Consultation And Written Dream Solution)
- A pre-scheduled In-Home or Telephone Consultation, lasting one (1) to one and a half (1 1/2) hours, in which I will evaluate your parenting style, discuss sleep education, and have a detailed interview regarding your newborns entire day.
- I will create a routine for your newborn`s day that will introduce specific cue`s, to help your baby become acclimated to a routine. I will also provide tips on how to optimize enviormental conditions to allow for a sleep friendly environment.
- Includes a step-by-step routine written plan of action, along with our Dream Manual.
- Includes two (2) consecutive days of phone support to answer any questions that may arise.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation and Written Solution)
- In-home or Telephone Pre-Scheduled Consultation, lasting one (1) to one and a half (1 1/2) hours, in which your family`s needs along with your child`s sleep and reflux issues will be evaluated.
- I will advise on the best possible ways to help bring comfort to your baby as well as different techiniques for addressing feeding and sleep for a baby who suffers from relux.
- Create a step-by-step Dream plan to be implemented by parents and/or caregiver.
- I also provide various resources to help families cope and understand that they are not alone.
- Includes email and telephone follow-up consultations for up to five (5) consecutive days.
* Pricing is for Southern California locations. Click Here if you are outside Southern California.
Also, there is an additional fee of $200 for siblings and twins.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation, Written Sleep Plan and Sleep Packet)
Doctor's Consent is required before services are rendered.
When sleep training a child with special needs, please take these factors into consideration:
- Be realistic regarding expectations.
- Be prepared that it will take more time to train a child with special needs, but it can be done.
- Scheduled telephone or in-home consultation lasting up to two (2) hours, in which I will evaluate your family`s unique needs to determine the method of training that would best suit your family`s lifestyle.
- Create a step-by-step written Dream Plan to be implemented by parents and/or caregiver. The Dream Plan will be email or faxed to family.
- Includes email and telephone follow-up consultations (addressed once daily) for up to three (3) consecutive weeks to ensure that the plan is working and to answer any questions that may arise.

(In-Home or Telephone Consultation, Written Plan of Action and Mommy Sleep Package)
- After your baby is well on their way to great sleep, what about you? I have created this packages to help moms find their way back to dreamland
- Scheduled in-person or telephone consultation lasting up to two (2) hours, in which I will evaluate your needs to get a better understanding of what is keeping you up at night.
- Create a step-by-step plan of action addressing the various stressors that may be causing sleep challenges for you.
- Seven (7) consecutive days of telephone support, to be used inside of a two (2) week period, to answer any questions you may have.
DREAMY TRAVELING COACH $1,000.00 plus travel expenses
(In-Person Consultation for non-Southern California locations)
- Sessions are 1 to 2 hour Face-To-Face Consultation at Client's Home.
- Includes analysis of parenting style, sleep education, nutrition, enviormental check and a detailed interview of the child`s entire day
- 4 Consecutive Days of Telephone/Email Support
Traveling Coach Add-On
(Extended In-Person Coaching for non-Southern California locations)
The below listed Add-Ons are available to clients that wish to extend coaching beyond the 2-hour consultation.
- 1 Day Add On - $1,800.00 (Total Cost: $2,800 plus travel)
- 2 Day Add On - $3,600.00 (Total Cost: $4,600 plus travel)